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"Delight Yourself in the Lord!"

The Scripture continues..." And He will give you all the desires of your heart." (Psalms 37:4)

This verse has been used to justify all kinds of activities and wishes! But God did not promise He would give us everything that crossed our minds. He did not say He would perform like a Cosmic Santa Claus to fill our stockings with our fancies.

Read this again carefully. The first 5 Words are crucial. "Delight yourself in the Lord." What does this mean? These words lay out an unwavering condition that leads to the fulfillment of the remainder of the verse.

It calls us to focus. It says, "Make it your purpose...your aim to delight in Him. You are to find your deepest joy and fulfillment in pleasing the Lord." It becomes your greatest goal to find your complete satisfaction in bringing a smile to the face of Deity. It is working to make His Heavenly Kingdom more evident to all those around you. It is reflecting the Glory of the Almighty in your deeds and words.

Jesus said as you seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and His righteousness---then---we are promised by Jesus---"all these things", all your other wants and desires "will be added unto you" as needed.

Isn't that a dangerous promise for God to make? Is there any hesitation on His part to say such a thing? Not at all. Because the Lord is confident that when you truly delight in Him---when you make following Him and pleasing Him your greatest desire---then that very longing will purify and shape ALL your other desires. You could add one word to this promise: "He will give you all the SACRED desires of your heart." He will purify your motives, your longings, your seeking. You will want what He wants for you at the deepest levels of your being. You will be conformed to His image. Christ will be formed in you. And you will be transformed by Christ!

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